Raggiungere tutti, sempre - ENG


raggiungere tutti

The health crisis linked to the Covid-19 emergency that we have just been through reiterated more than ever the importance of staying united even in situations of physical distance and practical difficulty. In an organizational and work setting, this need takes on particular importance.

This year, we began plans to install dynamic digital noticeboards that communicate the company’s core messages: from operational communications to the status of projects and new products, as well as group photos, motivational videos and everything that could be useful or relevant for the employees in each of the Group’s companies.

The main goal of this new system is to establish a “mobile channel of communication” to ensure a direct and straight-forward connection with our employees, reaching everyone at the same time, shortening distances between those who have access to company communications mainly sent by email and those who, due to the nature of their work, e.g. in the vineyard, do not have these tools and may feel far away from the company.