Ruffino e la condivisione del sapere - ENG



Being involved in the activities of local higher education institutes is a privilege and an opportunity. The interaction among students, institutes and the company has proven to be a source of mutual learning and enrichment.

We open our doors to students from various faculties with the aim of sharing our hands-on experience as well as theoretical notions. We are especially proud of the following collaborations:

  • Master’s in Viticulture and Enology at the University of Piacenza benefitted from the expertise and know-how of our agronomists;
  • Master Vinifera at the University of Milan was hosted for a week at our Poggio Casciano estate for the Sustainable Viticulture course;
  • Poggio Casciano hosted Precision Viticulture course from the Environmental Sciences Faculty of the University of Viterbo for a week;
  • Master’s in Wine Management of the University of Florence also involved a visit to our headquarters as well as a talk with the HR Director, which is a member of the university’s placement observatory.

In the future, our aim is to intensify these important and profitable relationships with scholars and future operators in our field of knowledge and activities, especially at this juncture when the focus is on learning to relate to the land according to sustainable principles and criteria, values that Ruffino shares and is happy to apply and communicate in every instance.