Ruffino Cares

Ruffino Cares: a heart as strategy

Ruffino Cares

A leaf, a hug and a glass that make a heart symbolize a strategy that extends across 4 action areas: environmental sustainability, educating about responsible drinking, a commitment to others, and diversity and inclusion.

The four Ruffino Cares pillars permeate our company business model and represent a constant drive to improve the Group’s production processes and offering.

Our aim is to continue producing wines that respect the environment, are high-quality and that also evoke the aesthetic experience of the strategic positioning of Ruffino’s “Vivere di Gusto” (a life of taste), hence to facilitate conviviality and the joy of being together. That’s why we are working hard to become a “Brand of Purpose” by 2025. This ambitious objective is an answer to consumers who are increasingly in search of sustainable products that come from a chain with responsible value.

The Sustainability Strategy

In order to strengthen the actions already taken in recent years, since FY 2021 we have been working in sync with our parent company CBI to develop a strategic sustainability plan. The plan, which was formalized and shared with our stakeholders in FY 2022, aims to establish goals to be achieved over the next few years, taking into account the broader European context.

FY 2019


FY 2020


FY 2021


FY 2022


FY 2023


FY 2024


FY 2025


A shared responsibility: contributing to sustainable development

We believe in the importance of a concrete responsible development project that is guided by priorities shared at an international level. That’s why we have been monitoring our alignment with the UN’s 2030 Agenda goals for several years. In line with our strategy, activities, plans and the initiatives we have implemented, we have pinpointed 9 goals where we can intervene directly.

The importance of dialog: involving stakeholders

To identify strategic priorities for our action plan, we believe that it is important to involve all our stakeholders through open channels and flexible methods of communication that are suited to dialog.

Our commitments: the materiality matrix

Due to continued dialog with our stakeholders, we identified the main topics to be tackled and showed them in the materiality matrix approved by the CEO on April 1, 2022.

Strengthen the prevention of the harmful use of alcohol

Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life

Increase water-use efficiency

Increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix

Diversify, innovate and upgrade for economic productivity

Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers

Sustainable management and use of natural resources

Achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all waste throughout their life cycle and significantly reduce their release to air, water and soil

By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction and reuse

Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters

Ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services

Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species

Intensify the global partnership for Sustainable Development, assisted by multilateral collaborations that develop and share knowledge, skills, and technological and financial resources to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in all countries

Piazza Ruffino, Publication of Company Code of Conduct and Ethics, Sharing Policies, Training, Dedicated Meetings

Sharing Code of Conduct and Sustainability Guidelines for Suppliers, Sharing Agricultural Best Practices Handbook, Site Visits, Involvement in Grower Project, Contracts

Website, Marketing, Sustainability Report, Vivere di Gusto Magazine, Estate Visits, Social Media, Press Activities, TV Campaigns

Participation in Wine In Moderation, Collaboration with the Prosecco Consortium for the Sustainable Consortium Project, Members of Federvini and Unione Italiana Vini

Sharing the 2030 Strategic Plan, Specific Projects and Meetings, Group Analysis

Open Days at universities, Partnerships with Universities, Specific section on the website

Ongoing collaborations with UIV and Confagricoltura Firenze and Siena, Membership to the Italian Professional Association for the Environment and Safety

Website, Sustainability Report, Vivere di Gusto Magazine, Interviews and talks about Sustainability

Regular financial reports, Sustainability Report

Dedicated projects, Specific meetings, Partnerships with Universities, Ruffino Cares scheme

Climate change

Waste + wastewater

Naturally regulating processes and gradual removal of chemical substances

Energy saving and management

Preserving biodiversity and valuing wine landscapes

Water management

Transparency + traceability

Sustainability governance

Creating sustainable value over time

Certified sustainability

HR management + workers’ rights

Diversity + inclusion

Human rights

Consumer health + safety